my name is Bram Ruiter and I make films.

With my moving image work, I explore the tension between appearance and disappearance. The creative act, domestic spaces and traveling are central to my image-making. I often work from found objects or unplanned moments. These chance encounters then inform my process. In essence, I prefer roads that lead nowhere in particular.

My films have screened at the Viennale, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema (Pesaro Film Fest), Van Gogh Museum and the Netherlands Film Festival among many others. My Curriculum Vitae gives a good overview. Some of my films are distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinema.

For a living, I teach film (currently ArtEZ University of the Arts & Emerson College), I curate film programs such as the Esker Film Society, and I take on commissioned work. For fun, I make music.

The best way to contact me is via info [at] bramruiter [dot] nl. I also keep a notebook of sorts. Or you can find me on Instagram, Letterboxd and BlueSky.

